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We are an all-volunteer community of makers and organizers. Your donations will go towards purchase of supplies for making, cleaning, and delivering protective gear for frontline essential workers and at-risk communities. Thank you!
Somos una comunidad totalmente voluntaria de creadores y organizadores. Sus donaciones se destinarán a la compra de suministros para la fabricación, limpieza y entrega de equipos de protección para trabajadores esenciales de primera línea. ¡Gracias!
To date, we have delivered 5000+ masks, 150 face shields, and 24 intubation boxes to organizations such as: (Hemos entregado más de 5000 cubrebocas y cajas de intubación a) Lovelace Hospitals, Presbyterian Hospital, TriCore Reference Labs, UNM Outpatient Pharmacy, UNM Inpatient Pharmacy, UNM Sandoval Regional Medical Center, Raymond G. Murphy VA Medical Center, Zuni Comprehensive Health Center, Lubbock Cancer Center, NM Legal Aid, Taos County Adult Detention, Dialysis Clinic Santo Domingo, Pueblo Action Alliance, The Montecito Santa Fe Senior Living, Barrett House, Vitalant/United Blood Service, La Vida Llena Nursing Home, Navajoland Nursing Home, Healthcare for the Homeless, S.A.F.E. House, Heading Home, Casa Carmelita, Courageous Transformations, Genesis Healthcare Las Palomas, Red Rock Care Center and more. We continue to take requests and deliver gear on a daily basis.